#313: “Prelude to Tunnel Dwellers: The Cabbagetown Tunnel Monster"

Have you ever walked around on a noisy city street, maybe in a big city or even the small town you grew up in… And you happen to glance over just in time to notice a manhole cover, quickly settling down, covering the hole, or maybe catch a glimpse of something peering up at you through a storm drain? No, dear friends, your eyes said not to see you: there seems to be something dangerous lurking underneath our feet. Join us on this episode, as we begin, our deep dive into the terrifying world of Tunnel Dwellers! Cheers and enjoy the show!

(You can also catch the video of this episode over on our YouTube channel, Rumble and Facebook, recorded live and uncut!)

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“Prelude to Tunnel Dwellers: The Cabbagetown Tunnel Monster"
Pixelated Paranormal

#314 “Tunnel Dwellers, Pt 1: The Lizard People of Los Angeles"


#312 “Late Nights, Vol 6: I Would Do Anything for Love, But I Won’t Do That…”