#325 “June ‘24 News Round-Up: Shocking Discoveries!”

What’s the weirdest thing you’ve found, while out and about? That’s the topic of tonight’s episode: Weird and Shocking Discoveries in the News! We’ve got cash money, body parts, monoliths and more! So buckle up, cheers and enjoy the show!

(You can also catch the video of this episode over on our YouTube channel, Rumble and Facebook, recorded live and uncut!)

Don’t forget to send us a Voicemail: 913-662-3144 -or-  Email: pixelatedparanormal[at]gmail[dot]com


#326 “Conspiracy Files, No. 2: Queen Elizabeth I & The Bisley Boy.”


#324 “Conspiracy Files, No. 1: The Mud Flood or Tartaria!”